Thursday, October 23, 2008

Citizen Journalism:
Citizen journalism is an interesting and controversial topic. It's focus is on just that which the title suggests, Citizen journalism. Citizens in all countries of the world, through the creation of blogs and blogging, are now able to project their own views, interests and opinions to other individuals around the world. This new technology has seen a new generation of journalists emerge, citizen journalists, which means that anyone and everyone with access to a computer and internet are able to post their views and experiences to the world. What was once an elite dominated domain is now open ground for the world’s people.

Benefits of Citizen Journalism:
  • Allows insight into the interests and opinions of individuals from all around the world.
  • Allows an individual to post their interests, opinions and findings to the world.
  • Gives ordinary individuals a voice in the world.
  • Provides uncensored information (Traditional journalists and media outlets sensor a lot of their information.
  • Provides access to information that traditional journalists may not be able to get hold of.
  • Not bound by rules and regulations, however best practice follows ethical values.
  • Easy to become a Citizen Journalist.

Disadvantages of Citizen Journalism:
  • Possibility of unreliable information.
  • The effect of journalism is diluted
  • Personal information can be tracked and viewed

1 comment:

Mia said...

nice work michael, strait to the point and very informative... i'm impressed! keep up the good work! check out my blog on citizen journalism & my cat tommy its grouse! lol