Thursday, October 30, 2008

Response to Article in Comm315 reader:
:What Ethics Should Bloggers Have?:
:Written by - Dan Gillmor:

This article talks about the ethics that blogger's should follow. ethics, according to the article, instill trust in the information provided. The problem with Citizen Journalism is that there is no set rules or "code of conduct" if you will, to which Citizen Journalists need to adhere to. This means that individuals can post onto the net anything they choose to, regardless of factors such as accuracy of information. According to the article, ethics are about honor, "unless we act with honor we cannot expect peoples trust". Unfortunately it is not possible to force people into being ethical in what they present online however the article mentions a WEBSITE that has been adapted for bloggers as an ethics code list which the article feels is a worthy effort of promoting ethics to Citizen Journalists.

A basic structural outline for good journalism, according to the article, consists of:
  • Thoroughness - gaining as much information about a topic as you can before writing about it.
  • Accuracy - making sure you have factual information and state both what you do and dont know.
  • Fairness - listen to different points of view and incorporate them into your writing.
  • Transparency - link to source material as much as possible.
  • Independence - be independent in your research.
Citizen Journalist Ethics Website

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